Waypoint V3

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The header file of waypoint V3 related functions is dji_waypoint_v3.h. This document describes the key information and usage of the structure and function prototypes in the dji_waypoint_v3.h file.


Definition, Enum and Struct

typedef enum E_DjiWaypointV3Action

typedef enum {
    DJI_WAYPOINT_V3_ACTION_START = 0, /*!< Waypoint v3 mission start action. */
    DJI_WAYPOINT_V3_ACTION_STOP = 1, /*!< Waypoint v3 mission stop action. */
    DJI_WAYPOINT_V3_ACTION_PAUSE = 2, /*!< Waypoint v3 mission pause action. */
    DJI_WAYPOINT_V3_ACTION_RESUME = 3, /*!< Waypoint v3 mission resume action. */
} E_DjiWaypointV3Action;

typedef enum E_DjiWaypointV3State

typedef enum {
    DJI_WAYPOINT_V3_STATE_IDLE = 0, /*!< Waypoint v3 aircraft in idle state. */
    DJI_WAYPOINT_V3_STATE_PREPARE = 16, /*!< Waypoint v3 aircraft in prepare state. */
    DJI_WAYPOINT_V3_STATE_TRANS_MISSION = 32, /*!< Waypoint v3 aircraft in trans mission state. */
    DJI_WAYPOINT_V3_STATE_MISSION = 48, /*!< Waypoint v3 aircraft in mission state. */
    DJI_WAYPOINT_V3_STATE_BREAK = 64, /*!< Waypoint v3 aircraft in break state. */
    DJI_WAYPOINT_V3_STATE_RESUME = 80, /*!< Waypoint v3 aircraft in resume state. */
    DJI_WAYPOINT_V3_STATE_RETURN_FIRSTPOINT = 98, /*!< Waypoint v3 aircraft in return first point state. */
} E_DjiWaypointV3State;

typedef struct T_DjiWaypointV3MissionState

typedef struct {
    E_DjiWaypointV3State state; /*!< Waypoint v3 current aircraft state, #E_DjiWaypointV3State. */
    uint32_t wayLineId; /*!< Waypoint v3 current way line id. */
    uint8_t currentWaypointIndex; /*!< Waypoint v3 current waypoint index. */
} T_DjiWaypointV3MissionState;

function WaypointV3StateCallback

Function:Prototype of callback function used to receive the waypoint v3 mission state. product:all
typedef T_DjiReturnCode (*WaypointV3StateCallback)(T_DjiWaypointV3MissionState missionState);
missionState:current waypoint v3 mission state.
The details for the return code please refer to: DjiErrorCode


function DjiWaypointV3_Init

Function:Initialise waypoint v3 module, and user should call this function. product:all
T_DjiReturnCode DjiWaypointV3_Init(void);

The details for the return code please refer to: DjiErrorCode

function DjiWaypointV3_DeInit

Function:Deinitialise waypoint v3 module. product:all
T_DjiReturnCode DjiWaypointV3_DeInit(void);

The details for the return code please refer to: DjiErrorCode

function DjiWaypointV3_UploadKmzFile

Function:Upload kmz file by raw data. product:all
T_DjiReturnCode DjiWaypointV3_UploadKmzFile(const uint8_t *data, uint32_t dataLen);

The details for the return code please refer to: DjiErrorCode

function DjiWaypointV3_Action

Function:Execute the mission action. product:all
T_DjiReturnCode DjiWaypointV3_Action(E_DjiWaypointV3Action action);

The details for the return code please refer to: DjiErrorCode

function DjiWaypointV3_RegMissionStateCallback

Function:Register the mission state callback for waypoint mission.数 product:all
T_DjiReturnCode DjiWaypointV3_RegMissionStateCallback(WaypointV3StateCallback callback);

The details for the return code please refer to: DjiErrorCode

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