The header file for local upgrade related functions is dji_upgrade.h
. This document describes the key information and usage of the structure and function prototypes in the dji_upgrade.h
can be used only for payloads developed by X-Port. If payloads are developed by SkyPort, please usedji_gimbal.h。
Definition, Enum and Struct
Definition, Enum and Struct
typedef enum E_DjiFirmwareTransferType
typedef enum {
* @brief FTP firmware transfer type.
* @note This transfer type only support linux platform and use network port. Users need to deploy FTP service on
* payload. The ftp user info used to transfer upgrade firmware is :
* username:dji_payload_ftp
* password:DJi_#$31
* You can get guide about FTP service deployment on https://developer.dji.com/payload-sdk/documentation
* @brief DCFTP firmware transfer type.
* @details DCFTP (DJI Common File Transfer Protocol) is a private protocol used to transfer file on DJI Product.
* Users can get file data by command callbacks, see :: T_DjiUpgradeDcftpFileTransferOpt.
* @note This transfer type is used to support RTOS platform or payload don't have network port. The transfer speed
* is very slow compare to FTP because it uses low speed transfer channel.
} E_DjiFirmwareTransferType;
typedef enum E_DjiUpgradeStage
typedef enum {
DJI_UPGRADE_STAGE_IDLE = 0, /*!< Idle stage means not in upgrade mode. */
DJI_UPGRADE_STAGE_ONGOING = 3, /*!< Ongoing stage means payload is upgrading. */
DJI_UPGRADE_STAGE_DEVICE_REBOOT = 6, /*!< Device reboot stage means device is rebooting. */
DJI_UPGRADE_STAGE_END = 4, /*!< End Stage means upgrade finish and reporting upgrade result to the terminal APP. */
} E_DjiUpgradeStage;
typedef enum E_DjiUpgradeEndState
typedef enum {
DJI_UPGRADE_END_STATE_SUCCESS = 1, /*!< Upgrade success. */
DJI_UPGRADE_END_STATE_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 2, /*!< Upgrade failure due to unknown reason. */
} E_DjiUpgradeEndState;
typedef struct T_DjiFirmwareVersion
typedef struct {
uint8_t majorVersion; /*!< The major version of firmware, the range is 0 ~ 99. */
uint8_t minorVersion; /*!< The minor version of firmware, the range is 0 ~ 99. */
uint8_t modifyVersion; /*!< The modify version of firmware, the range is 0 ~ 99. */
uint8_t debugVersion; /*!< The debug version of firmware, the range is 0 ~ 99. */
} T_DjiFirmwareVersion;
typedef struct T_DjiUpgradeOngoingInfo
typedef struct {
uint8_t upgradeProgress; /*!< The upgrade progress, the range is 0 ~ 100. */
} T_DjiUpgradeOngoingInfo;
typedef struct T_DjiUpgradeRebootInfo
typedef struct {
uint8_t rebootTimeout;
} T_DjiUpgradeRebootInfo;
typedef struct T_DjiUpgradeEndInfo
typedef struct {
E_DjiUpgradeEndState upgradeEndState;
} T_DjiUpgradeEndInfo;
typedef struct T_DjiUpgradeFtpFileTransferInfo
typedef struct {
uint32_t port;
} T_DjiUpgradeFtpFileTransferInfo;
typedef struct T_DjiUpgradeFileInfo
typedef struct {
uint32_t fileSize; /*! The size of file. */
char fileName[DJI_FILE_NAME_SIZE_MAX]; /*! The name of file. */
} T_DjiUpgradeFileInfo;
typedef struct T_DjiUpgradeDcftpFileTransferOpt
typedef struct {
* @brief Prototype of callback function used to start file transfer.
* @param fileInfo: the file info about the file to be transferred.
* @return Execution result.
T_DjiReturnCode (*start)(const T_DjiUpgradeFileInfo *fileInfo);
* @brief Prototype of callback function used to transfer file data.
* @details After start transfer, this callback function will be called several times to transfer file data sequentially.
* @param data: pointer to memory space used to store file data.
* @param dataLen: the data length of data.
* @return Execution result.
T_DjiReturnCode (*transfer)(const uint8_t *data, uint16_t dataLen);
* @brief Prototype of callback function used to finish file transfer.
* @param md5: the md5 value of file, used to check the correctness of the file transfer .
* @return Execution result.
T_DjiReturnCode (*finish)(const uint8_t md5[DJI_MD5_BUFFER_LEN]);
} T_DjiUpgradeDcftpFileTransferOpt;
typedef struct T_DjiFirmwareTransferInfo
typedef struct {
/*! The firmware transfer type for upgrade. */
E_DjiFirmwareTransferType transferType;
/*! If transferType is DJI_FIRMWARE_TRANSFER_TYPE_FTP, need support ftpTransferInfo. */
T_DjiUpgradeFtpFileTransferInfo ftpTransferInfo;
/*! If transferType is DJI_FIRMWARE_TRANSFER_TYPE_DCFTP, need support dcftpFileTransferOpt. */
T_DjiUpgradeDcftpFileTransferOpt dcftpFileTransferOpt;
} T_DjiFirmwareTransferInfo;
typedef struct T_DjiUpgradeState
typedef struct {
/*! The upgrade stage in upgrade process. */
E_DjiUpgradeStage upgradeStage;
union {
/*! If upgradeStage is DJI_UPGRADE_STAGE_ONGOING, need support upgradeOngoingInfo. */
T_DjiUpgradeOngoingInfo upgradeOngoingInfo;
/*! If upgradeStage is DJI_UPGRADE_STAGE_DEVICE_REBOOT, need support upgradeRebootInfo. */
T_DjiUpgradeRebootInfo upgradeRebootInfo;
/*! If upgradeStage is DJI_UPGRADE_STAGE_END, need support upgradeEndInfo. */
T_DjiUpgradeEndInfo upgradeEndInfo;
} T_DjiUpgradeState;
typedef struct T_DjiUpgradeConfig
typedef struct {
T_DjiFirmwareVersion currentFirmwareVersion; /*!< The current firmware version of payload. */
T_DjiFirmwareTransferInfo firmwareTransferInfo; /*!< The firmware transfer info of payload. */
} T_DjiUpgradeConfig;
typedef struct T_DjiUpgradeHandler
typedef struct {
* @brief Prototype of callback function used to enter upgrade mode.
* @param waitTime: the wait time for enter upgrade mode. The terminal APP will wait these time before do other
* upgrade actions. You can use this time to prepare for firmware upgrade in other task, such as clean firmware
* store area. unit: s
* @return Execution result.
T_DjiReturnCode (*EnterUpgradeMode)(uint16_t *waitTime);
* @brief Prototype of callback function used to check transferred firmware.
* @details You can verify signature and decrypt firmware in this callback function.
* @return Execution result.
T_DjiReturnCode (*CheckFirmware)(void);
* @brief Prototype of callback function used to start firmware upgrade.
* @note After start upgrade, the upgrade stage need change to ::DJI_UPGRADE_STAGE_ONGOING
* @return Execution result.
T_DjiReturnCode (*StartUpgrade)(void);
* @brief Prototype of callback function used to finish firmware upgrade.
* @note After call finish upgrade, the upgrade stage need change from ::DJI_UPGRADE_STAGE_END to ::DJI_UPGRADE_STAGE_IDLE
* @return Execution result.
T_DjiReturnCode (*FinishUpgrade)(void);
} T_DjiUpgradeHandler;
function DjiUpgrade_Init
Function:Initialise upgrade module | product:all |
T_DjiReturnCode DjiUpgrade_Init(const T_DjiUpgradeConfig *upgradeConfig);
The details for the return code please refer to: DjiErrorCode
function DjiUpgrade_EnableLocalUpgrade
Function:Enable local upgrade mode. | product:all |
T_DjiReturnCode DjiUpgrade_EnableLocalUpgrade(void);
The details for the return code please refer to: DjiErrorCode
function DjiUpgrade_RegHandler
Function:Register the handler for upgrade process. | product:all |
T_DjiReturnCode DjiUpgrade_RegHandler(const T_DjiUpgradeHandler *upgradeHandler);
upgradeHandler:pointer to structure of handler functions for upgrade process.
The details for the return code please refer to: DjiErrorCode
function DjiUpgrade_PushUpgradeState
Function:Push upgrade state to terminal app. | product:all |
T_DjiReturnCode DjiUpgrade_PushUpgradeState(const T_DjiUpgradeState *upgradeState);
upgradeState:upgrade state in upgrade process.
The details for the return code please refer to: DjiErrorCode