Waypoint V2 Type

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The header file related to the waypoint V2 type is dji_waypoint_v2_type.h. This document describes the key information and usage of the structure and function prototypes in the dji_waypoint_v2_type.h file.


Definition, Enum and Struct

typedef dji_f32_t T_DjiWaypointV2GlobalCruiseSpeed;

typedef enum E_DJIWaypointV2MissionFinishedAction

typedef enum {

     *  No further action will be taken.
     *  The aircraft can be controlled by the remote controller.

     *  Goes home when the mission is finished. The aircraft will
     *  land directly if it is within 20 meters away from the home point.

     *  The aircraft will land automatically at the last waypoint.

     *  The aircraft will go back to the first waypoint and hover.

     *  When the aircraft reaches its final waypoint, it will hover without ending the
     *  mission. The joystick  can still be used to pull the aircraft back along its
     *  previous waypoints. The only way this mission  can end is if stopMission is
     *  called.
} E_DJIWaypointV2MissionFinishedAction;

typedef enum E_DJIWaypointV2MissionActionWhenRcLost

typedef enum {
     * Stops current mission when the remote controller signal(RC) is lost.
     * And execute rc lost action which is choosed by users on APP.
     * note:the option can be invalid only if you didn't obtain joystick authority
     * (DjiFlightController_ObtainJoystickCtrlAuthority).Or it will continue executing
     * the mission

     *  Continue executing the mission when the remote controller signal(RC) is lost..
} E_DJIWaypointV2MissionActionWhenRcLost;

typedef enum E_DJIWaypointV2MissionGotoFirstWaypointMode

typedef enum {

     *  Go to the waypoint safely. The aircraft will rise to the same altitude of the
     *  waypoint if the current  altitude is lower then the waypoint altitude. It then
     *  goes to the waypoint coordinate from the current  altitude, and proceeds to the
     *  altitude of the waypoint.

     *  Go to the waypoint from the current aircraft point to the waypoint directly.
} E_DJIWaypointV2MissionGotoFirstWaypointMode;

typedef enum E_DJIWaypointV2FlightPathMode

typedef enum {

     *  In the mission, the aircraft will go to the waypoint along a curve and fly past the waypoint.

     *  In the mission, the aircraft will go to the waypoint along a curve and stop at the waypoint.

     *  In the mission, the aircraft will go to the waypoint along a straight line and stop at the waypoint.

     *  In the mission, the aircraft will fly from the previous waypoint to the next waypoint along a smooth curve without stopping at this waypoint.
     *  the next in a curved motion,  adhering to the ``DJIWaypointV2_dampingDistance``, which is
     *  set in ``DJIWaypointV2``.

     *  In the mission, the aircraft will go to the first waypoint along a straight line.
     *  This is only valid for the first waypoint.

     *  Straight exit the Last waypoint, Only valid for last waypoint.

     *  Unknown
} E_DJIWaypointV2FlightPathMode;

typedef enum E_DJIWaypointV2HeadingMode

typedef enum {

     *  Aircraft's heading will always be in the direction of flight.

     * Aircraft's heading will be set to the heading when reaching the first waypoint.
     * Before reaching the first waypoint, the aircraft's heading can be controlled by
     * the remote controller. When the aircraft reaches the first waypoint, its
     * heading will be fixed.

     *  The aircraft's heading in the mission can be controlled by the remote controller.

     * In the mission, the aircraft's heading will change dynamically and adapt to the heading set at the next waypoint.
     * See ``DJIWaypointV2_heading`` to preset the heading.

     *  Aircraft's heading will always toward point of interest.
     *  using ``DJIWaypointV2_pointOfInterest`` setting point of interest coordiate and ``DJIWaypointV2_pointOfInterestAltitude``
     *  setting point of interset altitute.

     *  The aircraft's heading rotate simultaneously with its gimbal's yaw.

     *  Unknown.
} E_DJIWaypointV2HeadingMode;

typedef enum E_DJIWaypointV2TurnMode

typedef enum {

     *  The aircraft's heading rotates clockwise.

     *  The aircraft's heading rotates counterclockwise.

     *  Changes the heading of the aircraft by rotating the aircraft anti-clockwise.
} E_DJIWaypointV2TurnMode;

typedef enum E_DJIWaypointV2MissionState


typedef enum {
     *  The state of the operator is unknown. It is the initial state when the operator
     *  is just created.

     *  The connection OSDK device, remote controller and aircraft is
     *  broken.

     *  Raed to execute the mission.

     *  The execution is started successfully.

     *  Waypoint mission is paused successfully.

     *  Waypoint mission is restarted after interrupted.

     *  Waypoint mission is exited.

     *  Waypoint mission is finished.
} E_DJIWaypointV2MissionState;

typedef struct T_DjiWaypointV2RelativePosition

typedef struct {
    dji_f32_t positionX; /*! X distance to reference point, North is positive*/
    dji_f32_t positionY; /*! Y distance to reference point, East is positive*/
    dji_f32_t positionZ; /*! Z distance to reference point, UP is positive*/
} T_DjiWaypointV2RelativePosition;

typedef struct T_DjiWaypointV2Config

typedef struct {
    /*! 0: set local waypoint's cruise speed,
     *  1: unset local waypoint's cruise speed*/
    uint16_t useLocalCruiseVel;

    /*! 0: set local waypoint's max speed,
     *  1: unset local waypoint's max speed*/
    uint16_t useLocalMaxVel;
} T_DjiWaypointV2Config;

typedef struct T_DjiWaypointV2

typedef struct {
    /*! waypoint position relative to WayPointV2InitSettings's reference point
     * unit: m
    dji_f64_t longitude;
    dji_f64_t latitude;
    dji_f32_t relativeHeight; /*! relative to takeoff height*/

     *  Waypoint flight path mode.
    E_DJIWaypointV2FlightPathMode waypointType;

     *  Represents current aircraft's heading mode on current waypoint.
    E_DJIWaypointV2HeadingMode headingMode;

     *  Represents current waypoint's speed config.
    T_DjiWaypointV2Config config;

    uint16_t dampingDistance;

    *  The heading to which the aircraft will rotate by the time it reaches the
    *  waypoint. The aircraft heading  will gradually change between two waypoints with
    *  different headings if the waypoint  mission's `headingMode` is set  to
    *  `DJIWaypointV2_DJIWaypointV2HeadingMode_WaypointCustom`. A heading has a range of
    *  [-180, 180] degrees, where 0 represents True North.
    dji_f32_t heading;

    *  Determines whether the aircraft will turn clockwise or anticlockwise when
    *  changing its heading.
    E_DJIWaypointV2TurnMode turnMode;

    *  Property is used when ``DJIWaypointV2_headingMode`` is
    *  ``DJIWaypointV2_DJIWaypointV2HeadingMode_TowardPointOfInterest``.
    *  Aircraft will always be heading to point while executing mission. Default is
    *  "kCLLocationCoordinate2DInvalid".
    T_DjiWaypointV2RelativePosition pointOfInterest;

    *  While the aircraft is travelling between waypoints, you can offset its speed by
    *  using the throttle joystick on the remote controller. "maxFlightSpeed" is this
    *  offset when the joystick is pushed to maximum deflection. For example, If
    *  maxFlightSpeed is 10 m/s, then pushing the throttle joystick all the way up will
    *  add 10 m/s to the aircraft speed, while pushing down will subtract 10 m/s from
    *  the aircraft speed. If the remote controller stick is not at maximum deflection,
    *  then the offset speed will be interpolated between "[0, maxFlightSpeed]"" with a
    *  resolution of 1000 steps. If the offset speed is negative, then the aircraft
    *  will fly backwards to previous waypoints. When it reaches the first waypoint, it
    *  will then hover in place until a positive speed is applied. "maxFlightSpeed" has
    *  a range of [2,15] m/s.
    dji_f32_t maxFlightSpeed;

    *  The base automatic speed of the aircraft as it moves between waypoints with
    *  range [-15, 15] m/s. The aircraft's actual speed is a combination of the base
    *  automatic speed, and the speed control given by the throttle joystick on the
    *  remote controller. If "autoFlightSpeed >0": Actual speed is "autoFlightSpeed" +
    *  Joystick Speed (with combined max of "maxFlightSpeed") If "autoFlightSpeed =0":
    *  Actual speed is controlled only by the remote controller joystick. If
    *  "autoFlightSpeed <0" and the aircraft is at the first waypoint, the aircraft
    *  will hover in place until the speed is made positive by the remote controller
    *  joystick. In flight controller firmware or above, different speeds
    *  between individual waypoints can also be set in waypoint objects which will
    *  overwrite "autoFlightSpeed".
    dji_f32_t autoFlightSpeed;
} T_DjiWaypointV2;

typedef struct T_DjiWaypointV2List

typedef struct {
    T_DjiWaypointV2 *waypointV2;
    uint16_t waypointV2Num;
} T_DjiWaypointV2List;

typedef enum E_DJIWaypointV2ActionTriggerType

typedef enum {
     *  The action will be triggered when action associated executes.
     *  The parameters should be defined by ``DJIWaypointV2Action_E_DJIWaypointV2AssociateTriggerParam``.

     *  The action will be triggered when the aircraft flies from one waypoint to the next.
     *  The parameters should be defined by ``DJIWaypointV2Action_T_DJIWaypointV2TrajectoryTriggerParam``.

     *  The action will be triggered when the aircraft flies between two waypoints
     *  The parameters should be defined by ``DJIWaypointV2Action_T_DJIWaypointV2IntervalTriggerParam``.

     *  The action will be trigger when the aircraft reach the waypoint point.
     *  The parameters should be setting by ``DJIWaypointV2SampleReachPointTriggerParam``.

     *  Unknown
} E_DJIWaypointV2ActionTriggerType;

typedef enum E_DJIWaypointV2TriggerAssociatedTimingType

typedef enum {

     *  The trigger starts simultaneously with the trigger that is associated.

     *  The trigger starts after the trigger associated has finished.

     *  Unkown timing type.
} E_DJIWaypointV2TriggerAssociatedTimingType;

typedef enum E_DJIWaypointV2ActionIntervalType


typedef enum {
     *  The action will be repeated after a particular period of time.

     *  The action will be repeated after a particular distance.

     *  Unknown action trigger type.
} E_DJIWaypointV2ActionIntervalType;

typedef enum E_DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorType

typedef enum {

     *  The action will be executed by the camera.
     *  The parameters should be defined by ``DJIWaypointV2Action_DJIWaypointV2CameraActuatorParam``.

     *  The action will be executed by the gimbal.
     *  The parameters should be defined by ``DJIWaypointV2Action_DJIWaypointV2GimbalActuatorParam``.

     *  The action will executes by control aircraft.
     *  The parameters should be setting by ``DJIWaypointV2Action_DJIWaypointV2CameraActuatorParam``.

     *  Unknown actuator type.
} E_DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorType;

typedef enum E_DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorCameraOperationType

typedef enum {

     *  Starts to shoot a photo.

     *  Starts to record a video.

     *  Stops to record a video.

     *  Starts focus.

     *  Starts focal lenth. Only support those support flocal lenth cameras.

     *  Unknown.
} E_DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorCameraOperationType;

typedef enum E_DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorGimbalOperationType

typedef enum {

     *  Rotates the gimbal. Only valid when the trigger type is
     *  ``DJIWaypointV2MissionV2_DJIWaypointV2TriggerAssociatedTimingType_ReachPoint``.

     *  Unknown
} E_DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorGimbalOperationType;

typedef struct T_DjiWaypointV2GetRemainMemory

typedef struct {
    uint16_t totalMemory;
    uint16_t remainMemory;
} T_DjiWaypointV2GetRemainMemory;

typedef struct T_DjiWaypointV2GetWaypointStartEndIndex

typedef struct {
    uint32_t result;
    uint16_t startIndex;
    uint16_t endIndex;
} T_DjiWaypointV2GetWaypointStartEndIndex;

typedef struct T_DJIWaypointV2SampleReachPointTriggerParam

typedef struct {
     *  It determines the index of the waypoint at which the action will be
     * triggered.
    uint16_t waypointIndex;

    uint16_t terminateNum;

} T_DJIWaypointV2SampleReachPointTriggerParam;

typedef struct T_DJIWaypointV2AssociateTriggerParam

typedef struct {
     *  The type of assciate trigger.see "E_DJIWaypointV2TriggerAssociatedTimingType"
    uint8_t actionAssociatedType: 7;

     * Waiting time uint
     * 1:seconds 0:milliseconds

    uint8_t waitTimeUint: 1;

     *  Waiting time in seconds after ActionTrigger starts.
    uint8_t waitingTime;

     *  Associated action ID.
    uint16_t actionIdAssociated;
} T_DJIWaypointV2AssociateTriggerParam;

typedef struct T_DJIWaypointV2TrajectoryTriggerParam

typedef struct {
     *  It determines the index of the waypoint at which the trigger starts.
    uint16_t startIndex;

     *  It determines the waypoint when the trigger stops.
    uint16_t endIndex;
} T_DJIWaypointV2TrajectoryTriggerParam;

typedef struct T_DJIWaypointV2IntervalTriggerParam

typedef struct {
     *  It determines the index of the waypoint at which the trigger starts.
    uint16_t startIndex;

     *  If the
     * ``DJIWaypointV2Action_T_DJIWaypointV2IntervalTriggerParam_actionIntervalType``
     * is ``DJIWaypointV2MissionV2_DJIWaypointV2TriggerAssociatedTimingType_Time``
     *  The time interval in 0.01 seconds when two action are executed as the aircraft
     * moves
     *  from the current waypoint to the next waypoint.
     *  If the
     * ``DJIWaypointV2Action_T_DJIWaypointV2IntervalTriggerParam_actionIntervalType``
     * is
     * ``DJIWaypointV2MissionV2_DJIWaypointV2TriggerAssociatedTimingType_Distance``
     *  The distance interval in 0.01 meters when two action are executed as the
     * aircraft
     * moves
     *  from the current waypoint to the next waypoint.
    uint16_t interval;
     *  The type of interval trigger.
     *  See ``E_DJIWaypointV2ActionIntervalType``.
    uint8_t actionIntervalType;

} T_DJIWaypointV2IntervalTriggerParam;

typedef struct T_DJIWaypointV2Trigger

typedef struct {
    uint8_t actionTriggerType;
    union {
        T_DJIWaypointV2SampleReachPointTriggerParam sampleReachPointTriggerParam;
        T_DJIWaypointV2AssociateTriggerParam associateTriggerParam;
        T_DJIWaypointV2TrajectoryTriggerParam trajectoryTriggerParam;
        T_DJIWaypointV2IntervalTriggerParam intervalTriggerParam;
} T_DJIWaypointV2Trigger;

typedef struct T_DjiWaypointV2CGPoint


typedef struct {
    /*! x axis focus point value
     * range: [0,1]
    dji_f32_t x;
    /*! y axis focus point value
     * range: [0,1]
    dji_f32_t y;
} T_DjiWaypointV2CGPoint;

typedef struct T_DJIWaypointV2CameraFocusParam

typedef struct {
     *  The lens focus target point. When the focus mode is auto, the target point
     *  is the focal point. When the focus mode is manual, the target point is the
     * zoom
     *  out area if the focus assistant is enabled for the manual mode.
     *  The range for x and y is from 0.0 to 1.0. The point [0.0, 0.0] represents
     * the top-left angle of the screen.
    T_DjiWaypointV2CGPoint focusTarget;

     * focus type:
     * 0:point focus
     * 1:rectangle focus
    uint8_t regionType;

     * Normalized focus area width(0,1)
    dji_f32_t width;

     * Normalized focus area height(0,1)

    dji_f32_t height;

    uint32_t reserve;

     * [0,255]
    uint8_t retryTimes;
} T_DJIWaypointV2CameraFocusParam;

typedef struct T_DJIWaypointV2CameraFocalLengthParam

typedef struct {
     *  Focal length of zoom lens. Valid range is
     * [``DJICamera_DJICameraOpticalZoomSpec_minFocalLength``,
     * ``DJICamera_DJICameraOpticalZoomSpec_minFocalLength``]
     *  and must be a multiple of
     * ``DJICamera_DJICameraOpticalZoomSpec_focalLengthStep``.
     *  Only support by those camera
     * ``DJICamera_CameraSettings_isOpticalZoomSupported`` return ``TRUE``.
    uint16_t focalLength;

    uint8_t retryTimes;

} T_DJIWaypointV2CameraFocalLengthParam;

typedef struct T_DJIWaypointV2CameraActuatorParam

typedef struct {
     *  The operation type of camera actuator.
     *  See
     * ``DJIWaypointV2MissionV2_DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorCameraOperationType``.
    uint16_t operationType;

    union {
         *  The parameters for camera focus operation. It is valid only when
         * ``DJIWaypointV2Action_DJIWaypointV2CameraActuatorParam_operationType``
         *  is
         * ``DJIWaypointV2MissionV2_DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorCameraOperationType_Focus``
        T_DJIWaypointV2CameraFocusParam focusParam;

         *  The parameters for camera focus length operation. It is valid only when
         * ``DJIWaypointV2Action_DJIWaypointV2CameraActuatorParam_operationType``
         *  is
         * ``DJIWaypointV2MissionV2_DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorCameraOperationType_FocalLength``
        T_DJIWaypointV2CameraFocalLengthParam zoomParam;

} T_DJIWaypointV2CameraActuatorParam;

typedef struct T_DJIGimbalRotation

typedef struct {

    int16_t x;  /*! gimbal roll angle,  unit: 0.1 deg,range:[-3600, 3600]*/
    int16_t y;  /*! gimbal pitch angle, unit: 0.1 deg,range:[-3600, 3600]*/
    int16_t z;  /*! gimbal yaw angle,   unit: 0.1 deg,range:[-3600, 3600]*/
    uint8_t ctrl_mode: 1;   /*! 0: absolute position control, 1:relative position control*/
    uint8_t rollCmdIgnore: 1;/*! 0: roll command normal,  1: roll command ignore*/
    uint8_t pitchCmdIgnore: 1;/*! 0: pitch command normal,  1: pitch command ignore*/
    uint8_t yawCmdIgnore: 1;  /*! 0: yaw command normal,  1: yaw command ignore*/
    uint8_t absYawModeRef: 1; /*! 0: absoluate rotate yaw relative to aircraft,
                            *  1: absoluate rotate yaw relative to North*/
    uint8_t reserved: 3;
    uint8_t durationTime;  /*! 0: rotate time,unit:0.1s, range[1,255]*/
} T_DJIGimbalRotation;  

typedef struct T_DJIWaypointV2GimbalActuatorParam

typedef struct {
     *  The operation type of gimbal actuator.
     *  See
     * ``E_DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorGimbalOperationType``.
    uint16_t operationType;

     *  The rotation of gimbal actuator.
    T_DJIGimbalRotation rotation;
} T_DJIWaypointV2GimbalActuatorParam;  

typedef enum E_DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorAircraftControlOperationType

typedef enum {
     *  Rotates the aircraft's yaw.
    DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorAircraftControlOperationTypeRotateYaw = 1,

     *  Keeps the aircraft stop flying or start flying.
    DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorAircraftControlOperationTypeFlyingControl = 2,

     *  Unknown
    DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorAircraftControlOperationTypeUnknown = 0xFF,
} E_DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorAircraftControlOperationType;

typedef struct T_DJIWaypointV2AircraftControlRotateHeadingParam

typedef struct {
     *  Determines the aircraft rotate heading relative.
     *  if ``TRUE``, when the aircraft is rotating, relative to the current angle.
    uint8_t isRelative: 1;

    uint8_t reserved: 7;

     *  Determines the direction how aircraft changes its heading.
    dji_f32_t yaw;

} T_DJIWaypointV2AircraftControlRotateHeadingParam;

typedef struct T_DJIWaypointV2AircraftControlFlyingParam

typedef struct {
     *  Determines the aircraft start flying or stop flying.
     *  ``TRUE`` for the aircraft to start flying.
    uint8_t isStartFlying: 1;
    uint8_t reserved: 7;
} T_DJIWaypointV2AircraftControlFlyingParam;

typedef struct T_DJIWaypointV2AircraftControlParam

typedef struct {
     *  The operation type of aircraft control actuator.
     *  See
     * ``DJIWaypointV2MissionV2_DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorAircraftControlOperationType``.
    uint16_t operationType;

    union {
         *  The parameter for rotating the aircraft's heading. It's valid only when
         * ``DJIWaypointV2Action_DJIWaypointV2AircraftControlParam_operationType``
         *  is
         * ``DJIWaypointV2MissionV2_DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorAircraftControlOperationType_RotateYaw``

        T_DJIWaypointV2AircraftControlRotateHeadingParam yawRotatingParam;

         *  The parameters to control flying behavior.  It's valid only when
         * ``DJIWaypointV2Action_DJIWaypointV2AircraftControlParam_operationType``
         *  is
         * ``DJIWaypointV2MissionV2_DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorAircraftControlOperationType_FlyingControl``

        T_DJIWaypointV2AircraftControlFlyingParam flyControlParam;
} T_DJIWaypointV2AircraftControlParam;

typedef struct T_DJIWaypointV2Actuator

typedef struct {
     *  The type of Actuator.see "E_DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorType"
    uint8_t actuatorType;

     *  The index of actuator. It is valid when the diagnostics is related
     *  to camera or gimbal and the connected product has multiple gimbals and
     * cameras.
    uint8_t actuatorIndex;

    union {
         *  The camera actuator param, It is valid only when the
         * ``DJIWaypointV2Action_DJIWaypointV2Actuator_type``
         *  is ``DJIWaypointV2MissionV2_DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorType_Camera``.
        T_DJIWaypointV2CameraActuatorParam cameraActuatorParam;

         *  Parameters for gimbal actuator. It is valid only when the
         * ``DJIWaypointV2Action_DJIWaypointV2Actuator_type``
         *  is ``DJIWaypointV2MissionV2_DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorType_Gimbal``.
        T_DJIWaypointV2GimbalActuatorParam gimbalActuatorParam;

         *  Parameters for aircraft control actuator. It is valid only when the
         * ``DJIWaypointV2Action_DJIWaypointV2Actuator_type``
         *  is
         * ``DJIWaypointV2MissionV2_DJIWaypointV2ActionActuatorType_AircraftControl``.
        T_DJIWaypointV2AircraftControlParam aircraftControlActuatorParam;
} T_DJIWaypointV2Actuator;

typedef struct T_DJIWaypointV2Action

typedef struct {
     *  The ID of Action.
    uint16_t actionId;

     *  The trigger of action.
    T_DJIWaypointV2Trigger trigger;

     *  The actuator of action.
    T_DJIWaypointV2Actuator actuator;
} T_DJIWaypointV2Action;

typedef struct T_WayPointV2InitSettingsInternal

typedef struct {
    uint16_t version;
    uint8_t reserved;
    uint32_t missionID;
    uint16_t missTotalLen;
    uint16_t waypointCount;
    uint8_t repeatTimes;

    uint8_t finishedAction;
    uint16_t maxFlightSpeed;
    uint16_t autoFlightSpeed;
    uint16_t startIndex;
    uint8_t actionWhenRcLost;

    uint8_t gotoFirstWaypointMode;
    dji_f64_t refLati;
    dji_f64_t refLong;
    dji_f32_t refAlti;
} T_WayPointV2InitSettingsInternal;

typedef union T_DjiFcSubscriptionHomePointInfo

typedef union {
    /*event ID:0x01*/
    uint8_t interruptReason; //0x00:rc triggered interrupt

    /*!event ID:0x02
     * 0x00:Finish recover from pause;
     * 0x10:Start recover from break;
     * 0x11:Finish recover from break;
     * 0x12:Fail recover from break.
    uint8_t recoverProcess;

    /*!event ID:0x03
     * 0x00:finished successfully.
     * 0x10:External user trigger ended successfully.
     * 0x20:Request the route when motors is starting on the ground.
     * 0x21:Auto takeoff time out.
     * 0x22:Auto takeoff did not reach the predetermined altitude.
     * 0x23:AUto takeoff abnormal.
     * 0x24:Preempted by high priority tasks.
     * 0x25:Unknown reason.
     * 0x26:Route planning failure
    uint8_t exitReason;

    /*event ID:0x10*/
    uint16_t waypointIndex;

    /*event ID:0x11*/
    struct T_DjiWaypointV2MissionExecEvent {
        uint8_t currentMissionExecTimes;
        uint8_t finishedAllMissExecTimes: 1; //0:not finished; 1:finished all exec num
        uint8_t reserved: 7;
    } T_DjiWaypointV2MissionExecEvent;

    /* event ID:0x12*/
    uint8_t avoidState;

    struct T_DjiWaypointV2ActionExecEvent {
        uint16_t actionId;
         * 0x00: device id not mounted or identified
         * 0x01: is free
         * 0x02: is running
         * 0x03: be paused
        uint8_t preActuatorState;
         * 0x00: device id not mounted or identified
         * 0x01: is free
         * 0x02: is running
         * 0x03: be paused
        uint8_t curActuatorState;
         * error code
        uint32_t result;
    } T_DjiWaypointV2ActionExecEvent;
} U_DjiWaypointV2EventData;

typedef struct T_DjiWaypointV2MissionEventPush

typedef struct {
     * 0x01: mission interrupt event
     * 0x02: mission resume  event
     * 0x03: mission stop event
     * 0x10: mission arrival event
     * 0x11: route finished event
     * 0x12: avoid obstacle event
     * 0x30: action switch event
    uint8_t event;
    uint32_t FCTimestamp;
    U_DjiWaypointV2EventData data;
} T_DjiWaypointV2MissionEventPush;

typedef struct T_DjiWaypointV2MissionStatePush

typedef struct {
    uint16_t curWaypointIndex;
     * 0x0:ground station not start.
     * 0x1:mission prepared.
     * 0x2:enter mission.
     * 0x3:execute flying route mission.
     * 0x4:pause state.
     * 0x5:enter mission after ending pause.
     * 0x6:exit mission.
    uint8_t state;
    uint16_t velocity; //uint:0.01m/s
} T_DjiWaypointV2MissionStatePush;

typedef struct T_DjiWaypointV2MissionStatePush

typedef struct {
    T_DJIWaypointV2Action *actions;
    uint16_t actionNum;
} T_DJIWaypointV2ActionList;

typedef struct T_DjiWayPointV2MissionSettings

typedef struct {

     *  The Mission ID. Use to distinguish different mission
    uint32_t missionID;

     *  Mission execution can be repeated more than once. A value of 0 means the mission
     *  only executes once, and does not repeat. A value of 1 means the mission will
     *  execute a total of two times.
    uint8_t repeatTimes;

     *  Action the aircraft will take when the waypoint mission is complete.
    E_DJIWaypointV2MissionFinishedAction finishedAction;

     *  While the aircraft is travelling between waypoints, you can offset its speed by
     *  using the throttle joystick  on the remote controller. `maxFlightSpeed` is this
     *  offset when the joystick is pushed  to maximum deflection. For example, If
     *  maxFlightSpeed is 10 m/s, then pushing the throttle joystick all the  way up
     *  will add 10 m/s to the aircraft speed, while pushing down will subtract 10 m/s
     *  from the aircraft  speed. If the remote controller stick is not at maximum
     *  deflection, then the offset speed will be  interpolated between [0,
     *  `maxFlightSpeed`] with a resolution of 1000 steps. If the  offset speed is
     *  negative, then the aircraft will fly backwards to previous waypoints. When it
     *  reaches the  first waypoint, it will then hover in place until a positive speed
     *  is  applied. `maxFlightSpeed` has a range of [2,15] m/s.
     *  unit: m/s
    dji_f32_t maxFlightSpeed;

     *  The base automatic speed of the aircraft as it moves between waypoints with
     *  range [-15, 15] m/s. The  aircraft's actual speed is a combination of the base
     *  automatic speed, and the speed control given by  the throttle joystick on the
     *  remote controller. If `autoFlightSpeed` >0: Actual  speed is `autoFlightSpeed` +
     *  Joystick Speed (with combined max  of `maxFlightSpeed`) If `autoFlightSpeed` =0:
     *  Actual speed is  controlled only by the remote controller joystick. If
     *  `autoFlightSpeed` <0 and the  aircraft is at the first waypoint, the aircraft
     *  will hover in place until the speed is made positive by  the remote controller
     *  joystick.
     *  unit: m/s
    dji_f32_t autoFlightSpeed;

     *  Determines action when connection between the  aircraft
     *  and remote controller is lost.
    E_DJIWaypointV2MissionActionWhenRcLost actionWhenRcLost;

     *  Defines how the aircraft will go to the first waypoint from its current
     *  position. Default  is ``DJIWaypointV2MissionV2_DJIWaypointV2MissionGotoWaypointMode_Safely``.
    E_DJIWaypointV2MissionGotoFirstWaypointMode gotoFirstWaypointMode;

    T_DjiWaypointV2 *mission;
    *  The Mission waypoint total number could not exceed 65535
    uint16_t missTotalLen;

    T_DJIWaypointV2ActionList actionList;
} T_DjiWayPointV2MissionSettings;
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