Gimbal Function
This is the header file for "dji_gimbal.c", defining the structure and (exported) function prototypes.
NOTE The payload only developed based on the Skyport could use
, if you use X-Port, please refer to dji_xport.h.
Definition, Enum and Struct
Definition, Enum and Struct
typedef enum E_DjiGimbalCalibrationStage
Gimbal calibration stage and result.
typedef enum {
DJI_GIMBAL_CALIBRATION_STAGE_COMPLETE = 0, /*!< Calibration have been completed and the result is successful. */
DJI_GIMBAL_CALIBRATION_STAGE_PROCRESSING = 1, /*!< Gimbal is calibrating. */
DJI_GIMBAL_CALIBRATION_STAGE_FAILED = 3, /*!< Calibration have been completed and the result is failure. */
} E_DjiGimbalCalibrationStage;
typedef enum E_DjiGimbalAxis
typedef enum {
DJI_GIMBAL_AXIS_PITCH = 0, /*!< Pitch axis. */
DJI_GIMBAL_AXIS_ROLL = 1, /*!< Roll axis. */
DJI_GIMBAL_AXIS_YAW = 2, /*!< Yaw axis. */
} E_DjiGimbalAxis;
typedef enum E_DjiGimbalResetMode
typedef enum {
/*! Only reset yaw axis of gimbal. Reset angle of yaw axis to the sum of yaw axis angle of aircraft and fine tune angle
* of yaw axis of gimbal. */
/*! Reset yaw axis and pitch axis of gimbal. Reset angle of yaw axis to sum of yaw axis angle of aircraft and fine tune
* angle of yaw axis of gimbal, and reset pitch axis angle to the fine tune angle. */
/*! Reset yaw axis and pitch axis of gimbal. Reset angle of yaw axis to sum of yaw axis angle of aircraft and fine tune
* angle of yaw axis of gimbal, and reset pitch axis angle to sum of -90 degree and fine tune angle if gimbal
* downward, sum of 90 degree and fine tune angle if upward. */
/*! Reset pitch axis of gimbal. Reset pitch axis angle to sum of -90 degree and fine tune angle if gimbal downward,
* sum of 90 degree and fine tune angle if upward. */
} E_DjiGimbalResetMode;
typedef struct T_DjiGimbalControllerSmoothFactor
typedef struct {
uint8_t pitch; /*!< Smooth factor of pitch axis, range from 0 to 30. */
uint8_t yaw; /*!< Smooth factor of yaw axis, range from 0 to 30. */
} T_DjiGimbalControllerSmoothFactor;
typedef struct T_DjiGimbalControllerMaxSpeedPercentage
typedef struct {
uint8_t pitch; /*!< Max speed percentage of pitch axis, range from 1 to 100. */
uint8_t yaw; /*!< Max speed percentage of yaw axis, range from 1 to 100. */
} T_DjiGimbalControllerMaxSpeedPercentage;
typedef struct T_DjiGimbalSystemState
typedef struct {
bool resettingFlag; /*!< Specifies whether gimbal is resetting now or not. */
bool mountedUpward; /*!< Specifies whether gimbal is upward or not. */
bool blockingFlag; /*!< Specifies whether gimbal is stuck or not. */
bool pitchRangeExtensionEnabledFlag; /*!< Specifies whether extended angle range of gimbal pitch axis is enabled or not. */
E_DjiGimbalMode gimbalMode; /*!< Gimbal mode. */
T_DjiAttitude3d fineTuneAngle; /*!< Fine tune angles, unit: 0.1 degree. */
T_DjiGimbalControllerSmoothFactor smoothFactor; /*!< Smooth factor of gimbal controller. */
T_DjiGimbalControllerMaxSpeedPercentage maxSpeedPercentage; /*!< Max speed percentage of gimbal controller. */
} T_DjiGimbalSystemState;
typedef struct T_DjiGimbalReachLimitFlag
typedef struct {
bool pitch; /*!< Specifies whether gimbal has reached angle limit of pitch axis, if true, reached the limit. */
bool roll; /*!< Specifies whether gimbal has reached angle limit of roll axis, if true, reached the limit. */
bool yaw; /*!< Specifies whether gimbal has reached angle limit of yaw axis, if true, reached the limit. */
} T_DjiGimbalReachLimitFlag;
typedef struct T_DjiGimbalAttitudeInformation
typedef struct {
T_DjiAttitude3d attitude; /*!< Gimbal attitude in the ground coordinate, unit: 0.1 degree. */
T_DjiGimbalReachLimitFlag reachLimitFlag; /*!< Reach limit flag, being set when the joint angles of gimbal reach limits. */
} T_DjiGimbalAttitudeInformation;
typedef struct T_DjiGimbalCalibrationState
typedef struct {
bool calibratingFlag; /*!< Specifies whether gimbal is calibrating now or not. */
bool lastCalibrationResult; /*!< Result of the last calibration, and true specifies success. */
uint8_t currentCalibrationProgress; /*!< Progress percentage of current calibration. If gimbal is calibrating now and fill in real progress percentage, if not, fill in zero. The item ranges from 0 to 100. */
E_DjiGimbalCalibrationStage currentCalibrationStage; /*!< Current calibration stage and result. If gimbal is calibrating now and fill in ::DJI_GIMBAL_CALIBRATION_STAGE_PROCRESSING, if not, fill in result of the last calibration. */
} T_DjiGimbalCalibrationState;
typedef struct T_DjiGimbalRotationProperty
typedef struct {
struct {
bool pitch; /*!< Specifies whether ignore rotation command of pitch axis, and true specifies ignoring. */
bool roll; /*!< Specifies whether ignore rotation command of roll axis, and true specifies ignoring. */
bool yaw; /*!< Specifies whether ignore rotation command of yaw axis, and true specifies ignoring. */
} rotationValueInvalidFlag; /*!< Specifies whether ignore rotation command of some axis, including pitch, roll and yaw. */
union {
struct {
uint16_t actionTime; /*!< Action time during which gimbal move to target angles, unit: 0.01s. */
} relativeAngleRotation; /*!< Property of relative angle rotation command. */
struct {
uint16_t actionTime; /*!< Action time during which gimbal move to target angles, unit: 0.01s. */
/*! Joint angle valid flag, specifying whether
* T_DjiGimbalRotationProperty::absoluteAngleRotation::jointAngle is valid when absolute angle control. */
bool jointAngleValid;
/*! Joint angles of gimbal, unit: 0.1 degree. If
* T_DjiGimbalRotationProperty::absoluteAngleRotation::jointAngleValid is false, specifying here joint
* angles are invalid, and please ignore the joint angles. If joint angles are valid, users should ensure
* that target joint angles of gimbal is approximately the same as the specified value. */
T_DjiAttitude3d jointAngle;
} absoluteAngleRotation; /*!< Property of absolute angle rotation command. */
} T_DjiGimbalRotationProperty;
typedef struct T_DjiGimbalCommonHandler
typedef struct {
* @brief Prototype of callback function used to report system state of gimbal.
* @param systemState: pointer to memory space used to store gimbal system state.
* @return Execution result.
T_DjiReturnCode (*GetSystemState)(T_DjiGimbalSystemState *systemState);
* @brief Prototype of callback function used to report attitude information of gimbal.
* @param attitudeInformation: pointer to memory space used to store gimbal attitude information.
* @return Execution result.
T_DjiReturnCode (*GetAttitudeInformation)(T_DjiGimbalAttitudeInformation *attitudeInformation);
* @brief Prototype of callback function used to report calibration state of gimbal.
* @param calibrationState: pointer to memory space used to store gimbal calibration state.
* @return Execution result.
T_DjiReturnCode (*GetCalibrationState)(T_DjiGimbalCalibrationState *calibrationState);
* @brief Prototype of callback function used to rotate gimbal. Rotation callback function will be called when
* other modules control gimbal.
* @warning User should control execution time of the callback function to be short, because this callback function
* may be called at very high frequency in some scenarios, just like 200Hz.
* @param rotationMode: mode of rotation command.
* @param rotationProperty: property of rotation command.
* @param rotationValue: value of rotation command, unit: 0.1 degree (if rotation mode is
* (if rotation mode is ::DJI_GIMBAL_ROTATION_MODE_SPEED).
* @return Execution result.
T_DjiReturnCode (*Rotate)(E_DjiGimbalRotationMode rotationMode, T_DjiGimbalRotationProperty rotationProperty, T_DjiAttitude3d rotationValue);
* @brief Prototype of callback function used to start calibrating gimbal.
* @note Maximum allowable time of gimbal calibration is 120s. If gimbal has not completed calibration during
* 120s, DJI Pilot believe calibration failed.
* @return Execution result.
T_DjiReturnCode (*StartCalibrate)(void);
* @brief Set smooth factor for gimbal controller, using to smooth control.
* @param smoothingFactor: smooth factor. The larger the value, the smaller the acceleration of gimbal. Recommended
* calculation formula is "acc = 10000 * (0.8 ^ (1 + x)) deg/s^2", x is smooth factor. Range from 0 to 30.
* @param axis: axis to be set.
* @return Execution result.
T_DjiReturnCode (*SetControllerSmoothFactor)(uint8_t smoothingFactor, E_DjiGimbalAxis axis);
* @brief Prototype of callback function used to enable or disable extended pitch axis angle range.
* @details Switching the gimbal limit euler angle of pitch axis to the extended limit angle or the default limit
* angle.
* @param enabledFlag: flag specified whether enable or disable extended pitch axis angle range.
* @return Execution result.
T_DjiReturnCode (*SetPitchRangeExtensionEnabled)(bool enabledFlag);
* @brief Set max speed percentage for gimbal controller.
* @param maxSpeedPercentage: max speed value. Recommended calculation formula is "spd = default_max_spd * x / 100",
* x is default max speed value. Range from 1 to 100.
* @param axis: axis to be set.
* @return Execution result.
T_DjiReturnCode (*SetControllerMaxSpeedPercentage)(uint8_t maxSpeedPercentage, E_DjiGimbalAxis axis);
* @brief Restore factory settings of gimbal, including fine tune angle, pitch angle extension enable flag and max
* speed etc.
* @return Execution result.
T_DjiReturnCode (*RestoreFactorySettings)(void);
* @brief Prototype of callback function used to set gimbal work mode.
* @param mode: gimbal work mode.
* @return Execution result.
T_DjiReturnCode (*SetMode)(E_DjiGimbalMode mode);
* @brief Prototype of callback function used to reset gimbal.
* @note Reset command will interrupt rotation process.
* @param mode: Reset mode.
* @return Execution result.
T_DjiReturnCode (*Reset)(E_DjiGimbalResetMode mode);
* @brief Prototype of callback function used to fine tune angle of gimbal.
* @param fineTuneAngle: fine tune angle, unit: 0.1 degree. Angle value of greater than 0 specifies rotation
* towards the positive direction of body coordinate.
* @return Execution result.
T_DjiReturnCode (*FineTuneAngle)(T_DjiAttitude3d fineTuneAngle);
* @brief Prototype of callback function used to report rotation speed of gimbal.
* @note The callback function will be called at 50 Hz. Developers should ensure that, the average rotation speed
* of gimbal within 20 ms after the callback function is called is approximately equal to the reported rotation
* speed.
* @param rotationSpeed: pointer to memory space used to store rotation speed, in body coordinate, unit:
* 0.1 degree/s.
* @return Execution result.
T_DjiReturnCode (*GetRotationSpeed)(T_DjiAttitude3d *rotationSpeed);
* @brief Prototype of callback function used to report joint angle of gimbal.
* @param jointAngle: pointer to memory space used to store joint angles, unit: 0.1 degree.
* @return Execution result.
T_DjiReturnCode (*GetJointAngle)(T_DjiAttitude3d *jointAngle);
} T_DjiGimbalCommonHandler;
function DjiGimbal_Init
Function:Initialise gimbal module | product:all |
Initialise gimbal module, and user should call this function before using gimbal features.
T_DjiReturnCode DjiGimbal_Init(void);
The details for the return code please refer to: DjiErrorCode
function DjiGimbal_DeInit
Function:Deinitialise gimbal module. | product:all |
T_DjiReturnCode DjiGimbal_DeInit(void);
The details for the return code please refer to: DjiErrorCode
function DjiGimbal_RegCommonHandler
Function:Register common handler functions/callback functions of gimbal. | product:all |
Register common handler functions/callback functions of gimbal. After registering, callback functions will be
- called automatically.
T_DjiReturnCode DjiGimbal_RegCommonHandler(const T_DjiGimbalCommonHandler *commonHandler);
commonHandler:pointer to common handler functions of gimbal.
The details for the return code please refer to: DjiErrorCode