Log Management
The header file for log management related functions is dji_logger.h
. This document describes the key information and usage of the structure and function prototypes in the dji_logger.h
Definition, Enum and Struct
Definition, Enum and Struct
typedef function ConsoleFunc
Function: The console method that needs to be registered. | product:all |
typedef T_DjiReturnCode (*ConsoleFunc)(const uint8_t *data, uint16_t dataLen);
typedef enum E_DjiLoggerConsoleLogLevel
typedef enum {
DJI_LOGGER_CONSOLE_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR = 0, /*!< Logger console error level. The method and level of the console are
associated with each other. If the level of the registered console
method is lower than this level, the level interface will not be
printed successfully. */
DJI_LOGGER_CONSOLE_LOG_LEVEL_WARN = 1, /*!< Logger console warning level.The method and level of the console are
associated with each other. If the level of the registered console
method is lower than this level, the level interface will not be
printed successfully. */
DJI_LOGGER_CONSOLE_LOG_LEVEL_INFO = 2, /*!< Logger console info level. The method and level of the console are
associated with each other. If the level of the registered console
method is lower than this level, the level interface will not be
printed successfully. */
DJI_LOGGER_CONSOLE_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG = 3, /*!< Logger console debug level. The method and level of the console are
associated with each other. If the level of the registered console
method is lower than this level, the level interface will not be
printed successfully. */
} E_DjiLoggerConsoleLogLevel;
typedef struct T_DjiLoggerConsole
typedef struct {
uint8_t consoleLevel;
ConsoleFunc func;
bool isSupportColor;
} T_DjiLoggerConsole;
function DjiLogger_AddConsole
Function:Add the console function and level for Onboard SDK. | product:all |
T_DjiReturnCode DjiLogger_AddConsole(T_DjiLoggerConsole *console);
console:pointer to the console function.
The details for the return code please refer to: DjiErrorCode
function DjiLogger_UserLogOutput
Function:Print out the selected level log of the specified format by the registration method. | product:all |
void PsdkLogger_UserLogInfo(const char *fmt, ...);
fmt:pointer to the format string that needs print out.
...: Variable parameters, consistent with the use of the system interface print out.
The details for the return code please refer to: DjiErrorCode