


DJIFlightControllerDelegate.FlightControllerIMUStateChangedCallback Callback interface that is used to receive IMU state from flight controller. 
DJIFlightControllerDelegate.FlightControllerReceivedDataFromExternalDeviceCallback Callback function that updates the data received from an external device (e.g.the onboard device). 
DJIFlightControllerDelegate.FlightControllerUpdateSystemStateCallback Callback function that updates the flight controller's current state data. 
DJIFlightControllerDelegate.ReceivedNoFlyZoneFromFlightControllerCallback Callback interface that is used to receive no fly zone information from the flight controller  
DJIFlyZoneManager.FlyForbidStatusUpdatedCallback An interface for obtaining FlyForbidStatus
DJIIntelligentFlightAssistant.VisionDetectionStateUpdatedCallback This protocol provides a interface to update the Intelligent Flight Assistant current state. 
DJISimulator.UpdatedSimulatorStateDataCallback Simulator's callback interface. 


DJICompass This class contains important status for the compass of the product, and provides methods to calibrate the compass. 
DJIFlightController This class contains components of the flight controller and provides methods to send different commands to the flight controller. 
DJIFlightControllerDelegate This class provides delegate methods to update flight controller's current state. 
DJIFlightLimitation This class contains the flight status of the aircraft related to the flight limitation, and provides methods to configure the flight limitation. 
DJIFlyZoneManager This class manages the Geospatial Environment Online (GEO) system which provides warning, enhanced warning, authorization and restricted fly zone information. 
DJIFoldingDroneFlightController Created on 16/9/27. 
DJIInspire2FlightController Created by dji on 16/11/2. 
DJIIntelligentFlightAssistant This class contains components of the Intelligent Flight Assistant and provides methods to change the settings of Intelligent Flight Assistant. 
DJILandingGear This class contains the state of the landing gear. 
DJIP4PFlightController Created by Shirley.Yang on 2016/11/8. 
DJISimulator DJI aircraft can be put into simulator mode using this class.