Firmware Upgrade Sample

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Sample Introduction

The MSDK firmware upgrade function allows listening of connected and upgradeable components, such as remote controllers and aircraft modules. Upon obtaining upgradeable information, developers can call getUpgradeableComponents() to retrieve a list of all upgradeable components, including component type, upgradeable state, current firmware information, and the latest firmware information. If a newer firmware version is available for an upgradeable component, developers can either upgrade online through the DJI official app or perform an offline upgrade by calling startOfflineUpgrade(). The upgrade process can be listened.

Interface Calling Process

The figure below illustrates a complete interface call example. Call interfaces according to the actual scenario. For more information, refer to the firmware upgrade management class IUpgradeManageropen in new window in the MSDK API documentation and sample code.

  • Consistent upgrades are currently not supported.
  • If developers opt for an offline upgrade, they should download the offline firmware package for their target product from the DJI official website and provide the package storage path. For example, the package of M300 RTKopen in new window
  • The checkUpgradeableComponents() interface is used to request the latest firmware version information from the server but is not introduced at the interface calling process.

Sample Acquisition

Firmware Upgrade Sampleopen in new window

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