Diagnostic Sample
Sample Introduction
The Diagnostic module is to provide more friendly and abundant diagnosis information for users. Diagnostic information comes from HMS module and device status module.
- HMS module will present device health information, for example, Code, warningLevel, title, description and so on. For details to check IDeviceHealthManager class.
- Device status module will present the last time device status and this time's device status, such as description, StatusCode and WarningLevel. For details to check IDeviceStatusManager class.
This sample shows the complete interface and an example of the interface calling process.
Interface Calling Process
The following figure shows a complete interface display and an example of the interface calling process. For detailed usage, please check the API documentation of Mobile SDK.
IDeviceHealthManager class is used to manage device health. Users can get and monitor the health information of each module. For example, Camera overheated, Flight control system error, Battery Maintenance Required, etc.
Device status
IDeviceStatusManager class is used to manage device status. Users can get and monitor device status. For example, Aircraft disconnected, Sensor Error, Low Voltage Warning, etc.
Sample Acquisition
Go to Diagnostic Sample Code.