Feature List

Component Related API Description Support Platforms
FlightController setRtkEnableSync Set RTK enable or disable, blocking calls.
setRtkEnableAsync Set RTK enable or disable, non-blocking calls.
getRtkEnableSync Get rtk enable or disable, blocking calls.
getRtkEnableAsync Get RTK enable or disable, non-blocking calls.
setGoHomeAltitudeSync Set go home altitude, blocking calls.
setGoHomeAltitudeAsync Set go home altitude, non-blocking calls.
getGoHomeAltitudeSync Get go home altitude, blocking calls.
getGoHomeAltitudeAsync Get go home altitude, non-blocking calls.
setCollisionAvoidanceEnabledSync Set collision avoidance enable or disable, blocking calls.
setCollisionAvoidanceEnabledAsync Set collision avoidance enable or disable, non-blocking calls.
getCollisionAvoidanceEnabledSync Get collision avoidance enable or disable, blocking calls.
getCollisionAvoidanceEnabledAsync Get collision avoidance enable or disable, non-blocking calls.
setUpwardsAvoidanceEnabledSync Set upwards avoidance enable or disable, blocking calls.
setUpwardsAvoidanceEnabledAsync Set upwards avoidance enable or disable, non-blocking calls.
getUpwardsAvoidanceEnabledSync Get upwards avoidance enable or disable, blocking calls.
getUpwardsAvoidanceEnabledAsync Get upwards avoidance enable or disable, non-blocking calls.
setHomeLocationSync Set customized GPS(not RTK) home location, blocking calls.
setHomeLocationAsync Set customized GPS(not RTK) home location, non-blocking calls.
setHomeLocationUsingCurrentAircraftLocationSync Set home location using current aircraft GPS(not RTK) location, blocking calls.
setHomeLocationUsingCurrentAircraftLocationAsync Set home location using current aircraft GPS(not RTK) location, non-blocking calls.
turnOnMotorsAsync Wrapper function for turn on motors, non-blocking calls.
turnOffMotorsSync Wrapper function for turn off motors, blocking calls.
turnOffMotorsAsync Wrapper function for turn off motors, non-blocking calls.
startTakeoffSync Wrapper function for aircraft takeoff, blocking calls.
startTakeoffAsync Wrapper function for aircraft takeoff, non-blocking calls.
startLandingSync Wrapper function for aircraft landing, blocking calls.
startLandingAsync Wrapper function for aircraft landing, non-blocking calls.
cancelLandingSync Wrapper function for cancel aircraft landing, blocking calls.
cancelLandingAsync Wrapper function for cancel aircraft landing, non-blocking calls.
startForceLandingSync Wrapper function for aircraft force landing, blocking calls.
startForceLandingAsync Wrapper function for aircraft force landing, non-blocking calls.
startConfirmLandingSync Wrapper function for aircraft confirm landing and avoid ground, blocking calls.
startConfirmLandingAsync Wrapper function for aircraft confirm landing and avoid ground, non-blocking calls.
startGoHomeSync Wrapper function for go home action, blocking calls.
startGoHomeAsync Wrapper function for go home action, non-blocking calls.
cancelGoHomeSync Wrapper function for stop go home action, blocking calls.
cancelGoHomeAsync Wrapper function for stop go home action, non-blocking calls.
setJoystickMode Wrapper function for set joystick mode, non-blocking calls.
setJoystickCommand Wrapper function for set joystick command, non-blocking calls.
joystickAction Wrapper function for set joystick action, non-blocking calls.
getJoystickMode Wrapper function for get joystick mode, non-blocking calls.
getJoystickCommand Wrapper function for get joystick command, non-blocking calls.
killSwitch Turn on or off the kill switch.
CameraManager initCameraModule init the camera module
deinitCameraModule Deinit the camera module. It is a opposite operation to initCameraModule. It means this camera will disable. In the deinit, the camera module will set name to be defaultCameraName and set enable to be false.
deinitAllCameraModule deinit all the camera modules
getCameraModuleName get the name of camera module, searched by index
getCameraModuleIndex get the index of camera module, searched by name
getCameraModuleEnable get the enable status of camera module, searched by index
startShootPhotoAsync start to shoot photo, non-blocking calls
startShootPhotoSync start to shoot photo, blocking calls
stopShootPhotoAsync stop to shoot photo, non-blocking calls
stopShootPhotoSync stop to shoot photo, blocking calls
setShootPhotoModeAsync set the shoot photo mode, non-blocking calls
setShootPhotoModeSync set the shoot photo mode, blocking calls
getShootPhotoModeAsync get the shoot photo mode, non-blocking calls
getShootPhotoModeSync get the shoot photo mode, blocking calls
setPhotoBurstCountAsync set the burst count in the Burst take-photo mode, non-blocking calls
setPhotoBurstCountSync set the burst count in the Burst take-photo mode, blocking calls
getPhotoBurstCountSync get the burst count in the Burst take-photo mode, blocking calls
setPhotoAEBCountAsync set the burst count in the AEB take-photo mode, non-blocking calls
setPhotoAEBCountSync set the burst count in the AEB take-photo mode, blocking calls
getPhotoAEBCountSync get the burst count in the AEB take-photo mode, blocking calls
setPhotoTimeIntervalSettingsAsync set the parameters in the INTERVAL take-photo mode, non-blocking calls
setPhotoTimeIntervalSettingsSync set the parameters in the INTERVAL take-photo mode, blocking calls
getPhotoIntervalDatasAsync get the parameters in the INTERVAL take-photo mode, non-blocking calls
getPhotoIntervalDatasSync get the parameters in the INTERVAL take-photo mode, blocking calls
startRecordVideoAsync start to take video, non-blocking calls
startRecordVideoSync start to take video, blocking calls
stopRecordVideoAsync stop to take video, non-blocking calls
stopRecordVideoSync stop to take video, blocking calls
setModeAsync set camera working mode, non-blocking calls
setModeSync set camera working mode, blocking calls
getModeAsync get camera working mode, non-blocking calls
getModeSync get camera working mode, blocking calls
setFocusModeAsync set camera focus mode, non-blocking calls
setFocusModeSync get camera focus mode, blocking calls
getFocusModeAsync get camera focus mode, non-blocking calls
getFocusModeSync get camera focus mode, blocking calls
setFocusTargetAsync set camera tap focus target point, non-blocking calls
setFocusTargetSync set camera focus point, blocking calls
getFocusTargetAsync get camera tap focus target point, non-blocking calls
getFocusTargetSync get camera focus point, blocking calls
startContinuousOpticalZoomAsync start camera optical zooming, non-blocking calls
startContinuousOpticalZoomSync start camera optical zooming, blocking calls
setOpticalZoomFactorSync set parameters for camera optical zooming, blocking calls
getOpticalZoomFactorSync get parameters of camera optical zooming, blocking calls
stopContinuousOpticalZoomAsync stop camera optical zooming, non-blocking calls
stopContinuousOpticalZoomSync stop camera optical zooming, blocking calls
setTapZoomEnabledAsync set camera tap zoom function parameters, non-blocking calls
setTapZoomEnabledSync set camera tap zoom parameters, blocking calls
getTapZoomEnabledAsync get camera tap zoom function parameters, non-blocking calls
getTapZoomEnabledSync get camera tap zoom parameters, blocking calls
setTapZoomMultiplierAsync set camera tap zoom function parameters, non-blocking calls
setTapZoomMultiplierSync set camera tap zoom parameters, blocking calls
getTapZoomMultiplierAsync get camera tap zoom function parameters, non-blocking calls
getTapZoomMultiplierSync get camera tap zoom parameters, blocking calls
tapZoomAtTargetAsync set camera tap zoom point, non-blocking calls
tapZoomAtTargetSync set camera tap zoom point, blocking calls
setExposureModeAsync set camera exposure mode, non-blocking calls
setExposureModeSync set camera exposure mode, blocking calls
getExposureModeAsync get camera exposure mode, non-blocking calls
getExposureModeSync get camera exposure mode, blocking calls
setISOAsync set camera iso value, non-blocking calls
setISOSync set camera iso value, blocking calls
getISOAsync get camera iso value, non-blocking calls
getISOSync get camera iso value, blocking calls
setApertureAsync set camera aperture size value, non-blocking calls
setApertureSync set camera aperture size value, blocking calls
getApertureAsync get camera aperture size value, non-blocking calls
getApertureSync get camera aperture size value, blocking calls
setShutterSpeedAsync set camera shutter value, non-blocking calls
setShutterSpeedSync set camera shutter value, blocking calls
getShutterSpeedAsync get camera shutter value, non-blocking calls
getShutterSpeedSync get camera shutter value, blocking calls
setExposureCompensationAsync set camera EV value, non-blocking calls
setExposureCompensationSync set camera EV value, blocking calls
getExposureCompensationAsync get camera EV value, non-blocking calls
getExposureCompensationSync get camera EV value, blocking calls
obtainDownloadRightSync obtain the download right from camera, blocking calls
startReqFileList start to requeset the filelist data of camera, non-blocking calls
startReqFileData start to requeset the files of camera, non-blocking calls