Guidance SDK Reference



This document gives detailed explanation on the SDK structure and API functions. We assume that you have

  • a Guidance system,
  • a computer with OpenCV installed,

and you are:

  • familiar with Linux programming,
  • or familiar with Windows programming and Microsoft Visual Studio.


This section introduces the structure of the Guidance SDK. The SDK is divided into three layers:

  • Application: This layer processes data from the HAL layer. It is written by developers.
  • HAL: Hardware Abstraction Layer. This layer packs/parses the data to/from the Driver layer. It is implemented by the sample code (for UART) or SDK library (for USB), e.g.
  • Driver: This layer receives data from the Guidance system through USB/UART. It is implemented by OS or 3rd party libraries, e.g. libusb.


The Guidance SDK supports two communication protocols: USB & UART.

1. USB

The supported data types are Velocity Data, Obstacle Distance Data, IMU Data, Ultrasonic Data, Greyscale Image, and Depth Image.

There are two ways to subscribe the data through USB.

  1. Guidance Assistant Software

    User can use Guidance assistant software to subscribe the data in "DIY->API->USB" tab.

    • Connect Guidance with PC using USB cable, power on the Guidance
    • Choose the "Enable" check box
    • Choose the data according your requirement

    Notes: The available bandwidth is subject to the selection of image data and the output frequency. The selection of subscribed image data and output frequency will be saved and take effect when the Guidance system is turned off and on again.

  2. Guidance API

    User can subscribe the data using Guidance API. Identity these API functions that are named with "select".

    Notes: If user subscribes the image data and output frequency using Guidance API functions, it will only temporarily override the data selection that is made in the Guidance Assistant software when the Guidance system is still powered on. However, the data selection that is made through the Guidance API will not permanently change the data subsections options stored in the Guidance system, unless you de-select the "Enable" option in the "USB" tab.


The output data types of UART are Velocity Data, Obstacle Distance Data, IMU Data, and Ultrasonic Data. Image data are not output via UART due to the bandwidth limit.

Note: Guidance UART only supports 115200 baud rate.

  1. Subscribe Data

    You may only use Guidance assistant software to subscribe UART data. Enable this selection from "DIY->API->UART" page. Same as USB, the configuration will be saved in Guidance Core, unless you de-select the "Enable" option in the "UART" tab.

  2. Protocol Description

    Protocol Frame Format:


Protocol Frame Explanation:

Field Byte Index Size(bit) Description
SOF 0 8 Frame start number, fixed to be 0xAA
LEN 1 10 Frame length, maximum length is 1023 bytes
VER 1 6 Version of the protocol
RES 5 40 Reserved bits, fixed to be 0
SEQ 8 16 Frame sequence number
CRC16 10 16 Frame header CRC16 checksum
DATA 12 --① Frame data, maximum length 1007 bytes
CRC32 --② 32 Frame CRC32 checksum

① Frame data size can vary, 1007 is the maximum length.

② The index of this field depends on the length of the data field.

Data Field Format:


Data Field Explanation:

Data Field Byte Index Size(byte) Description
COMMAND SET 0 1 Always 0x00
COMMAND ID 1 1 e_image: 0x00; e_imu: 0x01; e_ultrasonic: 0x02; e_velocity: 0x03; e_obstacle_distance: 0x04
COMMAND DATA 2 -- Data body

Data Types

Each of the supported data types is described below.

  • Error Code enumerates possible error codes. When error occurs, usually an error code will be given, and the developer can reference this enum to find the error type.
  • Velocity Data: velocity in body frame. The unit is millimeter/second and the frequency is 10 Hz.
  • Obstacle Distance Data: obstacle distance from five Guidance Sensors. The unit is centimeter and the frequency is 20 Hz.
  • IMU Data: IMU data including accelerometer (in unit of acceleration of gravity g) and gyroscope (in quaternion format) data. The frequency is 20 Hz.
  • Motion Data: Pose and velocity data including quaternion orientation, position in the global frame, velocity in the global frame.
  • Ultrasonic Data: Outputs ultrasonic data from five Guidance Sensors, including obstacle distance (in unit of meter) and reliability of the data. The frequency is 20 Hz.
  • Greyscale Image: Outputs Greyscale images for five directions. The image size is 320*240 bytes for individual sensor. The default frequency is 20 Hz and can be scaled down using API functions.
  • Depth Image: Outputs depth images for five directions. The image size is 320*240*2 bytes for each direction. The default frequency is 20 Hz and can be scaled down using API functions.
  • Disparity Image: Outputs disparity images for five directions. This data is useful when developers want to further refine the disaprity images using functions like speckle filter. The image size is 320*240*2 bytes for each direction. The default frequency is 20 Hz and can be scaled down using API functions.

Data Structures


Description: Define error code of SDK.

enum e_sdk_err_code
e_timeout = -7, // time out
e_libusb_io_err = -1, // libusb IO error
e_OK = 0, // Succeed with no error
e_load_libusb_err=1, // Load libusb library error
e_sdk_not_inited=2, // SDK software is not ready
e_hardware_not_ready=3, // Guidance hardware is not ready
e_disparity_not_allowed=4, // Disparity or depth image is not allowed
e_image_frequency_not_allowed=5, // Image frequency must be one of the enum type e_image_data_frequecy
e_config_not_ready=6, // Config is not ready
e_online_flag_not_ready=7, // Online flag is not ready
e_stereo_cali_not_ready = 8,// Stereo calibration parameters are not ready
e_max_sdk_err = 100 // maximum number of possible SDK errors


  1. e_timeout: time out during USB transfer.
  2. e_libusb_io_err: IO error returned by libusb library. This can be caused by physical connection problem of USB.
  3. e_OK: Succeed with no error.
  4. e_load_libusb_err: Load libusb library error. This is caused by the inappropriate libusb library.
  5. e_sdk_not_inited: SDK software is not ready.
  6. e_hardware_not_ready: Guidance hardware is not ready.
  7. e_disparity_not_allowed: If your Guidance is working in standard mode with obstacle sensing function activated, disparity or depth image is not allowed to select. The reason is, obstacle sensing has its own way to select disparity images.
  8. e_image_frequency_not_allowed: Image frequency must be one of the enum type e_image_data_frequecy.
  9. e_config_not_ready: Configuration data is not ready. When Guidance is powered on, it takes several seconds (sometimes longer) to initiate, including loading configuration data (including other data) into memory, and sending to application layer (i.e. the SDK software). If the users start SDK application before configuration data is ready, this error will be thrown. Configuration data includes: Guidance working mode, Guidance Sensor online status, stereo calibration parameters, and so on.
  10. e_online_flag_not_ready: Online flag is not ready. Guidance system allows users to use any number of sensors, from 1 to 5. We use an array of online status to indicate which sensor are online. If users subscribe data from a sensor that is not online, no data will be returned.
  11. e_stereo_cali_not_ready: Stereo calibration parameters are not ready. The calibration parameters are useful for 3D applications. As the images are already rectified, no distortion coefficients are provided, but only coordinates of the principal point cu, cv, focal length focal, and baseline baseline.


Description: Define logical direction of vbus, i.e. the direction of selected Guidance Sensor. Note that they are only defined by the VBUS ports on Guidance Core, not by the Guidance Sensors.

The comment of each element indicates the default direction when Guidance is installed on Matrice 100. However the developers can install Guidance in any manner on any device, thus the directions might also be different.

enum e_vbus_index
e_vbus1 = 1, // front on M100
e_vbus2 = 2, // right on M100
e_vbus3 = 3, // rear on M100
e_vbus4 = 4, // left on M100
e_vbus5 = 0 // down on M100


Description: Define frequency of image data. The supported frequencies are: 5Hz, 10Hz, 20Hz. With more images selected, smaller frequency should be selected.

enum e_image_data_frequecy
e_frequecy_5 = 0, // frequecy of image data: 5Hz
e_frequecy_10 = 1, // frequecy of image data: 10Hz
e_frequecy_20 = 2 // frequecy of image data: 20Hz


Description: Define event type of callback

enum e_guidance_event
e_image = 0, // called back when image comes
e_imu, // called back when imu comes
e_ultrasonic, // called back when ultrasonic comes
e_velocity, // called back when velocity data comes
e_obstacle_distance, // called back when obstacle data comes
e_motion, // called back when global position comes


Description: Define image data structure. For each direction of stereo camera pair, the depth image aligns with the left greyscale image.

typedef struct _image_data
unsigned int frame_index; // frame index
unsigned int time_stamp; // time stamp of image captured in ms
char *m_greyscale_image_left[CAMERA_PAIR_NUM]; // greyscale image of left camera
char *m_greyscale_image_right[CAMERA_PAIR_NUM]; // greyscale image of right camera
char *m_depth_image[CAMERA_PAIR_NUM]; // depth image in *128 meters
char *m_disparity_image[CAMERA_PAIR_NUM]; // disparity image in *16 pixels


  1. m_greyscale_image_left and m_greyscale_image_right are both 320 hight, 240 width, 8 bit grayscale images.
  2. m_depth_image is 320 hight, 240 width, 16 bit depth image. Every 2 bytes describes the depth of a single point (in big-endian format), with the lower 7 bits being fraction and higher 9 bits being integer.
  3. m_disparity_image is 320 hight, 240 width, 16 bit depth image. Every 2 bytes describes the disparity of a single point (in big-endian format), with the lower 4 bits being fraction and higher 12 bits being integer.


Description: Define ultrasonic data structure. ultrasonic is the distance between Guidance Sensor and the nearest object detected by ultrasonic sensor. The Unit is mm. reliability is the reliability of this distance measurement, with 1 meaning reliable and 0 unreliable. Note: Due to noise in the distance measurement, it is recommended to filter the data before use.

typedef struct _ultrasonic_data
unsigned int frame_index; // correspondent frame index
unsigned int time_stamp; // time stamp of correspondent image captured in ms
short ultrasonic[CAMERA_PAIR_NUM]; // distance in mm. -1 means invalid.
unsigned short reliability[CAMERA_PAIR_NUM]; // reliability of the distance data


Description: Define velocity in body frame coordinate. Unit is mm/s.

typedef struct _velocity
unsigned int frame_index; // correspondent frame index
unsigned int time_stamp; // time stamp of correspondent image captured in ms
short vx; // velocity of x in mm/s
short vy; // velocity of y in mm/s
short vz; // velocity of z in mm/s


Description: Define obstacle distance calculated by fusing vision and ultrasonic sensors. Unit is cm.

typedef struct _obstacle_distance
unsigned int frame_index; // correspondent frame index
unsigned int time_stamp; // time stamp of correspondent image captured in ms
unsigned short distance[CAMERA_PAIR_NUM]; // distance of obstacle in cm

imu data

Description: Define IMU data structure. Unit of acceleration is m/s^2.

typedef struct _imu
unsigned int frame_index; // correspondent frame index
unsigned int time_stamp; // time stamp of correspondent image captured in ms
float acc_x; // acceleration of x in unit of m/s^2
float acc_y; // acceleration of y in unit of m/s^2
float acc_z; // acceleration of z in unit of m/s^2
float q[4]; // quaternion: [w,x,y,z]


Description: Calibration parameters of cameras. All values will be zero if the corresponding sensor is not online.

typedef struct _stereo_cali
float cu; // x position of focal center in units of pixels
float cv; // y position of focal center in units of pixels
float focal; // focal length in units of pixels
float baseline; // baseline of stereo cameras in units of meters
_stereo_cali() { }
_stereo_cali(float _cu, float _cv, float _focal, float _baseline)
cu = _cu, cv = _cv;
focal = _focal, baseline = _baseline;


Description: Parameters of camera exposure. When m_expo_time = m_expected_brightness=0, return to default AEC.

typedef struct _exposure_param
float m_step; // adjustment step for auto exposure control (AEC). Default is 10.
float m_exposure_time; // constant exposure time in mini-seconds. Range is 0.1~20. Default is 7.25.
unsigned int m_expected_brightness;// constant expected brightness for AEC. Range is 50~200. Default is 85.
unsigned int m_is_auto_exposure; // 1: auto exposure; 0: constant exposure
int m_camera_pair_index; // index of Guidance Sensor
m_step = 10;
m_exposure_time = 7.68;
m_expected_brightness = 85;
m_is_auto_exposure = 1;
m_camera_pair_index = 1;

motion data

Description: Define global motion data. Unit is m for position and m/s for velocity.

typedef struct _motion
unsigned int frame_index;
unsigned int time_stamp;
int corresponding_imu_index;
float q0;
float q1;
float q2;
float q3;
int attitude_status; // 0:invalid; 1:valid
float position_in_global_x; // position in global frame: x
float position_in_global_y; // position in global frame: y
float position_in_global_z; // position in global frame: z
int position_status; // lower 3 bits are confidence. 0:invalid; 1:valid
float velocity_in_global_x; // velocity in global frame: x
float velocity_in_global_y; // velocity in global frame: y
float velocity_in_global_z; // velocity in global frame: z
int velocity_status; // lower 3 bits are confidence. 0:invalid; 1:valid
float reserve_float[8];
int reserve_int[4];
float uncertainty_location[3];// uncertainty of position
float uncertainty_velocity[3];// uncertainty of velocity
} motion;



The Guidance API provides configuration and control methods for Guidance with C interface. Here is an overview of the key methods available in this API.

Please reference the protocol of Section 2.1.2 and also the example code of uart_example when using UART transfer type.



  • Description: Callback function prototype. The developer must write his/her own callback function in this form. In order to achieve best performance, it is suggested not performing any time-consuming processing in the callback function, but only copying the data out. Otherwise the transfer frequency might be slowed down.
  • Parameters: event_type use it to identify the data:image,imu,ultrasonic,velocity or obstacle distance
  • Parameters: data_len length of the input data
  • Parameters: data data read from Guidance.
  • Return: error code. Non-zero if error occurs.
typedef int (*user_call_back)( int event_type, int data_len, char *data );


  • Description: Clear subscribed configure, if you want to subscribe data different from last time.
  • Return: error code. Non-zero if error occurs.
SDK_API int reset_config( void );


  • Description: Initialize Guidance and create data transfer thread.
  • Return: error code. Non-zero if error occurs.
SDK_API int init_transfer( void );


  • Description: Subscribe IMU data. In standard mode, IMU data can only be output when Guidance is connected to DJI N1 flight controller. While in DIY mode, IMU data can always be output without connecting to a flight controller.
  • Return: error code. Non-zero if error occurs.
SDK_API void select_imu( void );


  • Description: Subscribe ultrasonic data.
  • Return: error code. Non-zero if error occurs.
SDK_API void select_ultrasonic( void );


  • Description: subscribe velocity data, i.e. velocity of Guidance in body coordinate system.
  • Return: error code. Non-zero if error occurs.
SDK_API void select_velocity( void );


  • Description: Subscribe obstacle distance.
  • Return: error code. Non-zero if error occurs.
SDK_API void select_obstacle_distance( void );


  • Description: Subscribe rectified greyscale image.
  • Parameters: camera_pair_index index of camera pair selected
  • Parameters: is_left whether the image data selected is left
  • Return: error code. Non-zero if error occurs.
SDK_API int select_greyscale_image( e_vbus_index camera_pair_index, bool is_left );


  • Description: Subscribe depth image.
  • Parameters: camera_pair_index index of camera pair selected
  • Return: error code. Non-zero if error occurs.
SDK_API int select_depth_image( e_vbus_index camera_pair_index );


#include "DJI_guidance.h"
#include "DJI_utility.h"
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
e_vbus_index sensor_id = e_vbus1;
Mat g_depth;
int my_callback(int data_type, int data_len, char *content)
if (e_image == data_type && NULL != content)
image_data* data = (image_data* )content;
if ( data->m_depth_image[sensor_id] ){
g_depth = Mat::zeros(HEIGHT,WIDTH,CV_16SC1);
memcpy(, data->m_depth_image[sensor_id], IMAGE_SIZE * 2 );
return 0;
int main(int argc, const char** argv)
reset_config(); // clear all data subscription
int err_code = init_transfer(); //wait for board ready and init transfer thread
err_code = select_depth_image( sensor_id );
err_code = set_sdk_event_handler( my_callback );
err_code = start_transfer();
Mat depth8(HEIGHT,WIDTH,CV_8UC1);
g_depth.convertTo(depth8, CV_8UC1);
imshow(string("depth_")+char('0'+sensor_id), depth8);
printf("Depth at point (%d,%d) is %f meters!\n", HEIGHT/2, WIDTH/2, float(<short>( HEIGHT/2,WIDTH/2))/128);
err_code = stop_transfer();
//make sure the ack packet from GUIDANCE is received
sleep( 1000000 );
err_code = release_transfer();


  • Description: Subscribe disparity image, which can be filtered with functions such as filterSpeckles.
  • Parameters: camera_pair_index index of camera pair selected
  • Return: error code. Non-zero if error occurs.
SDK_API int select_disparity_image( e_vbus_index camera_pair_index );


#include "DJI_guidance.h"
#include "DJI_utility.h"
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
e_vbus_index sensor_id = e_vbus1;
Mat g_disparity;
int my_callback(int data_type, int data_len, char *content)
if (e_image == data_type && NULL != content)
image_data* data = (image_data* )content;
if ( data->m_disparity_image[sensor_id] ){
g_disparity = Mat::zeros(HEIGHT,WIDTH,CV_16SC1);
memcpy(, data->m_disparity_image[sensor_id], IMAGE_SIZE * 2 );
return 0;
int main(int argc, const char** argv)
reset_config(); // clear all data subscription
int err_code = init_transfer(); //wait for board ready and init transfer thread
err_code = select_disparity_image( sensor_id );
err_code = set_sdk_event_handler( my_callback );
err_code = start_transfer();
Mat disp8(HEIGHT,WIDTH,CV_8UC1);
g_disparity.convertTo(disp8, CV_8UC1);
imshow(string("disparity_")+char('0'+sensor_id), disp8);
printf("Disparity at point (%d,%d) is %f pixels!\n", HEIGHT/2, WIDTH/2, float(<short>( HEIGHT/2,WIDTH/2))/16);
err_code = stop_transfer();
//make sure the ack packet from GUIDANCE is received
sleep( 1000000 );
err_code = release_transfer();


  • Description: Subscribe global motion data, i.e. velocity and position of Guidance in global coordinate system.
  • Return: error code. Non-zero if error occurs.
SDK_API void select_motion( void );


  • Description: Set frequecy of image transfer. Note: The bandwidth of USB is limited. If you subscribe too many images (greyscale image or depth image), the frequency should be set relatively small, otherwise the SDK cannot guarantee the continuity of image transfer.
  • Parameters: frequecy frequecy of image transfer
  • Return: error code. Non-zero if error occurs.
SDK_API int set_image_frequecy( e_image_data_frequecy frequecy );


  • Description: Inform Guidance to start data transfer.
  • Return: error code. Non-zero if error occurs.
SDK_API int start_transfer( void );


  • Description: Inform Guidance to stop data transfer.
  • Return: error code. Non-zero if error occurs.
SDK_API int stop_transfer( void );


  • Description: Release the data transfer thread.
  • Return: error code. Non-zero if error occurs.
SDK_API int release_transfer( void );


  • Description: Set callback function handler. When data from Guidance comes, it will be called by data transfer thread.
  • Parameters: handler function pointer to callback function.
  • Return: error code. Non-zero if error occurs.
SDK_API int set_sdk_event_handler( user_call_back handler );


  • Description: Get stereo calibration parameters.
  • Parameters: stereo_cali_pram Array of calibration parameters for all sensors.
  • Return: error code. Non-zero if error occurs.
SDK_API int get_stereo_cali( stereo_cali stereo_cali_pram[CAMERA_PAIR_NUM]);


  • Description: Get the online status of Guidance sensors.
  • Parameters: online_status Array of online status for all sensors.
  • Return: error code. Non-zero if error occurs.
SDK_API int get_online_status(int online_status[CAMERA_PAIR_NUM]);


  • Description: Get the type of devices. Currently only support one type of device: Guidance.
  • Parameters: device_type Device type.
  • Return: error code. Non-zero if error occurs.
SDK_API int get_device_type(e_device_type* device_type);


  • Description: Get the size of image data.
  • Parameters: width Image width.
  • Parameters: height Image height.
  • Return: error code. Non-zero if error occurs.
SDK_API int get_image_size(int* width, int* height);


  • Description: Wait for board ready signal. This function waits 20 seconds for Guidance board to get started. If 20 seconds pass and the board is still not ready, return a timeout error code. The users usually do not need to use this function, as it is already called in init_transfer.
  • Return: error code. Zero if succeed, otherwise e_timout.
SDK_API int wait_for_board_ready();


  • Description: Set exposure mode and parameters.
  • Parameters: param pointer of exposure parameter struct.
  • Return: error code. Non-zero if error occurs.
SDK_API int set_exposure_param( exposure_param *param );