This widget is configurable to hide some of the subviews. Use the attribute "excludeView" with flags corresponding to each subview to hide. Here are all the flags:
Note that multiple flags can be used simultaneously by logically OR'ing them. For example, if user wants to hide voltage subviews in the widget, it can be done by following two steps.
Then, add following attribute to the BatteryWidget:
Battery icon has two color states. White color indicates everything is ok. Icon will change into red color if aircraft needs to return home, land immediately, or battery connection is bad. Text shows percentage of charge remaining in battery. Text also has two color states. Green indicates the percentage is ok. Red indicates the percentage is either below or just enough for returning home or landing immediately.
Normal, means the battery energy is good. Low, means the battery energy is OK to go home. VeryLow, means the battery energy is only for landing immediately.