Integrate WSDK into Application


The example below shows how to import the DJI Windows SDK into a new UWP project. The same steps can be used for integrating into an existing application project.

Screenshots in this section are generated using Visual Studio 2017.

Create a New UWP Application

  • Open Visual Studio 2017.
  • Select File->New->Project.
  • Choose Blank App(Universal Windows) template.
  • Fill in the project name and choose the location of the project
  • Press OK.
  • "DJIWSDKDemo" will be used as the Project Name.
  • Choose the Target version and Minimum version createProject

Import WSDK into the Project

  • Firstly, create a folder named "DJIWindowsSDK", and copy all the DJI Windows SDK library files in it. importWSDKDll importWSDKDll
  • Secondly, add reference of DJIWindowsSDK to your project.
    • a. Right-click on DJIWSDKDemo project, and select Add Reference.
    • b. Select Browse, and select DJIWindowsSDK.dll. Click Add.
    • c. Click OK. importWSDKDll importWSDKDll
  • Thirdly, add dll files of third parties to the project.
    • a. Copy dll files of third parties(pthread_dll.dll and libcrypto-1.1.dll, for x86) to the root path of the project
    • b. Right-click on DJIWSDKDemo project, select Add->Existing Item, and click the dlls needed. importThirdPartiesDll importThirdPartiesDll

Configure Properties

  • Right-click on the Solution 'DJIWSDKDemo', select Properties.
  • Make sure that the Platform configuration is suitable for DJI Windows SDK x86. WSDKConfiguration
  • Double-click on Package.appxmanifest, select Packaging, and fill in the Package name with your application's package name. Here, we use "com.dji.wsdkdemo". WSDKConfiguration
  • Configure serial port authority in order to connect the application to DJI Aircraft's remote controller. Right-click on Package.appxmanifest, select View Code, add the following code in the Capabilities element.
<DeviceCapability Name="serialcommunication">
<Device Id="vidpid:2ca3 001f">
<Function Type="name:serialPort" />


Generate an App Key

Every application needs a unique App Key to initialize the SDK.

To create an App Key for an application:

Go to the DJI Developer Website's Developer Center

  • Select "Apps" tab on the left.
  • Select "Create App" button on the right.
  • Select "Windows SDK" as the "SDK" type.
  • Select the "Category", enter the App Name, Package Name and "Description" of the application.
  • An application activation email will be sent to complete the App Key generation.
  • The App Key will appear in the developer center, and can be copied and pasted into the application.

Register Application

  • Double click on MainPage.xaml.cs.
  • Import namespace of DJI Windows SDK in the MainPage.xaml.cs file.
using DJI.WindowsSDK;
  • Create a new method Instance_SDKRegistrationEvent.
  • Add SDKRegistrationStateChanged event listening with method Instance_SDKRegistrationEvent.
  • Invoke RegisterApp() method in MainPage() as shown below:
public MainPage()
DJISDKManager.Instance.SDKRegistrationStateChanged += Instance_SDKRegistrationEvent;

//Replace with your registered App Key. Make sure your App Key matched your application's package name on DJI developer center.
DJISDKManager.Instance.RegisterApp("Please enter your App Key here.");

private async void Instance_SDKRegistrationEvent(SDKRegistrationState state, SDKError resultCode)
if (resultCode == SDKError.NO_ERROR)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Register app successfully.");

//The product connection state will be updated when it changes here.
DJISDKManager.Instance.ComponentManager.GetProductHandler(0).ProductTypeChanged += async delegate (object sender, ProductTypeMsg? value)
await Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, async () =>
if (value != null && value?.value != ProductType.UNRECOGNIZED)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("The Aircraft is connected now.");
//You can load/display your pages according to the aircraft connection state here.
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("The Aircraft is disconnected now.");
//You can hide your pages according to the aircraft connection state here, or show the connection tips to the users.

//If you want to get the latest product connection state manually, you can use the following code
var productType = (await DJISDKManager.Instance.ComponentManager.GetProductHandler(0).GetProductTypeAsync()).value;
if (productType != null && productType?.value != ProductType.UNRECOGNIZED)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("The Aircraft is connected now.");
//You can load/display your pages according to the aircraft connection state here.
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Register SDK failed, the error is: ");

Run WSDK Demo

Internet connection is required to registration the application successfully. As this application is only demonstrating the registration process of DJI Windows SDK and not interact directly with a DJI product, so no need to connect to a DJI product to run this application.

If everything goes well, you should be able to see the following log in the popup window: Register app successfully.