class DUXSDKModel
@interface DUXSDKModel : NSObject
Header: DUXSDKModel.h Inherits From: NSObject
The DUXSDKModel is the bridge between the SDK which provides the communication with the aircraft and the UXSDK which give a visual rendering on the data received. It is integrated with the any object conforming to DUXObjectProtocol and is used when customizing objects to register to different SDK keys or to receive live view video.
Class Members:
class method defaultSDKModel
+ (nullable instancetype )defaultSDKModel
The singleton to be used whenever you need to use the SDKModel.
nullable instancetype The singleton to be used whenever you need to use the SDKModel
method unregisterDependentKeysForObject
- (void )unregisterDependentKeysForObject:(nonnull id <DUXObjectProtocol>)object
Removes data watching for all dependentKeys of a given object.
method keyManager
- (DJIKeyManager *)keyManager
The key manager from the SDK's keyed interfaces. This will likely be removed in the future as it doesn't need to be used.
DJIKeyManager * The SDK KeyManager
method registerDependentKeys:forObject
- (void )registerDependentKeys:(nonnull NSArray <__kindof DJIKey *> *)dependentKeys forObject:(nonnull id <DUXObjectProtocol>)object
Allows an object to register dependent keys and receive data updates as soon as it is available.
nonnull id <DUXObjectProtocol > object The object for which we register the keys. nonnull NSArray <__kindof DJIKey *> * dependentKeys The dependent keys which we are registering.
protocol DUXObjectProtocol
@protocol DUXObjectProtocol <NSObject >
Header: DUXObjectProtocol.h Inherits From: NSObject
Protocol that provides interfaces for getting updates on keys.
Protocol Methods:
method dependentKeys
@required - (nonnull NSArray <__kindof DJIKey *> *)dependentKeys
Header: DUXObjectProtocol.h
An array of DJIKey to be used by the UXSDK CoreModel in order to retrieve data from the SDK automatically.
nonnull NSArray <__kindof DJIKey *> * the list of dependent keys
method update
Header: DUXObjectProtocol.h
Method that is automatically called once the data has been used by transform.